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Running Under Bridges
An exhibition of graphic scores by Jo Ganter, in collaboration with musician Raymond MacDonald at the Talbot Rice Gallery in Edinburgh, 8 - 25 May 2015

Graphic scores represent music using visual images outside the realm of traditional music notation, and have been an effective way for experimental musicians to convey musical ideas since the 1950s. However, while many graphic scores are visually interesting, few claim to be works of art in their own right. The collaboration between musician and composer, Raymond MacDonald, and visual artist/printmaker, Jo Ganter, co-authors a series of original prints and musical compositions that test the possibilities of images as conductors of sound, and sound as a compositional tool for images. The reproduction of the images, as archival inkjet prints, allows the works to be used as graphic scores for groups of musicians to perform them, while they are simultaneously exhibited artworks.


Bridge in colour.jpg

Running Under Bridges                                                                Manuscript

Conscious Spaces 3.jpg
Time Points.jpg

Conscious Spaces                                                                          Time Points

The graphic scores were exhibited and performed in the Gallery space.


all photographs in the gallery by Erika Stevenson

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